Tuesday, 15 April 2014

June Issue Open for Submissions

We are now closed for submissions. The next issue will go live on June 1st. Thank you.

From now (April 15th) until May 15th we are looking for one hundred word stories for the June issue of 101 Fiction.

The temperature is rising and summer doesn't seem so far away. The themes for the next issue are Summer and Dragons. Use one theme, or both; use them loosely, figuratively or literally. Feel the heat, feed the fires, listen for the crackle of hungry flames and the beat of leathery wings. Carve them in a hundred words.

The title, as always, must be one word. And preferably not one of the issue's theme words. Make it matter, make it important, make it grab me before the story has even begun.

For full submission guidelines please read the submissions page.

101 Fiction is a genre site (science fiction, fantasy, horror, surreal), but we're pretty free and loose in defining those. Be unusual, exciting, and interesting.

Check out the previous issues for an idea of what we're looking for (and for some fantastic tiny fiction):
Issue 1 :: Issue 2 :: Issue 3

Have fun, keep writing, stay cool.