Sunday 1 March 2015

March 2015. Issue 7. Postscript.

The end that is the beginning that is the end. It's the 101 Fiction postscript paradox!

If you are here on March 1st 2015 then issue 7 is happening this very day. New stories will occur on the hour, from now until the end (and you'll know it's the end, because it will be the beginning - the issue 7 introduction).

If today is not March 1st, then you have come to the end of issue 7. Do not despair but carry on, fair traveller, for beyond this there are 6 more issues to explore, and beyond that there are even more tiny tales lost in the fogs of time, waiting only for you to rediscover them.

I hope you've enjoyed this greenest of issues.

Thank you for reading.

If you submitted a story, even if it wasn't accepted, then thank you too - we wouldn't be here without you. And if you want to have a go, then keep an eye on here or @101Fiction for details of issue 8.

Keep reading. Keep writing. Have fun.

- John Xero

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