Sunday 6 September 2015

September 2015. Issue 9. Postscript.

Sunday 6th September, 2015. 101 Fiction goes underground. And if that day is today, then the stories are going live right now. The issue is in progress. From 11 to 10 UK time tiny bursts of fiction are firecracking into existence right here.

If you are in the future (Hi, future!), then issue 9 has already happened. And that's a brilliant thing, because you can read it all. Unless you've already read it all, in which case, thank you, but don't stop here... There are hundreds more daring, disturbing, dramatic drabbles beyond this point.

Put the kettle on, crack open those custard creams and enjoy the rides, the worlds, the minds, the times... all from the comfort of your favourite armchair (or, future folk, your favourite hover cushions).

And a big thank you, of course, to everyone who makes 101 Fiction what it is - the writers, the readers, the bloggers and tweeters. The dreamers. You. All of you make it something to be proud of, something special.

If you want a part in our next production, watch this space. Right here is where it happens. @101Fiction is where we shout about it.

Keep writing, keep reading, have fun.

- John Xero.

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