Sunday 6 December 2015


by Sarah Vernetti

You’re great, but I have to be honest. You’re not what I’m looking for right now. Eventually, I know you’ll find someone who appreciates your generous girth, frigid temperatures, and dramatically tilted magnetic field. Maybe even someone who loves you despite your methane. However, I am not that person. I’ve been seeing someone, Mars actually, for about a month, and things are going really well. I've always been attracted to carbon monoxide-rich atmospheres.

Anyway, I know your future will be bright. Perhaps someday you’ll even know the intense heat of a fiery solar flare.

Take care, my mysterious cobalt princess.

Author bio: Sarah Vernetti lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her flash fiction has appeared in 300 Days of Sun, Black Denim Lit, Eunoia Review, Foliate Oak, Vending Machine Press, and others.

Neptune is part of 101 Fiction issue 10.

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