Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Robert caressed his iThing.

It murmured as it adapted to his touch, downloading apps, auto-evolving as it predicted his desires.

‘Hyper-ergonomics’ they called it. The iThing was ‘whatever you needed it to be’.

It began as a flat lump of stylish white potential. It was intuitive beyond any of its predecessors; shape shifting; building a dynamic, custom control set from the moment you picked it up.

Robert knew he could never find someone that understood him as well as his iThing. He pressed it to his face, feeling it penetrate his skin. He moaned as it whispered in his brain.


  1. If I want my iThing to be shoes do I have to buy two?

  2. No, your iThing will buy the second one for you. It knows.

  3. What's to stop those two buying a third? What if I don't know what I want? Will it tell me?

  4. It might not tell you... but trust me, it knows what you want even if you don't.

    and, as a general rule... you don't... ;P

  5. It won't be long before the technology exists (maybe it does already). The public seems to be willing. Great story.

  6. Thanks Jason. Glad you liked it. =)

    Things are becoming more and more tuned to individual adaptability and what I suppose could be termed memetic ergonomics - fitting comfortably to peoples ideas and desires. You see it commercially too, how often do you get emails from companies that seem to know exactly what you want...? ;)

    It a feedback loop of course, the more info you give them, the finer it becomes tuned, and you're inclined to give them the information because it makes life so easy...
