Friday, 21 September 2012


by Ray Paterson

I’d wanted a rearrangement for weeks. Better access to computers. With the air conditioning down, I wanted everything nearer the window. Better ventilation and light.

‘A change is as good as a rest,’ they say.

I had unexpected help...

Three removal men, grey of face and boiler suits. Silent. Pulling out cables, cabinets, and bookcases. Smashed computers dumped outside the window.

They re-arranged desks… then left. Two returned, expressionless, supporting a battered soldier who leaked blood over my executive blue shag pile.

Well, I thought. May as well go home. We all have to make sacrifices in time of war.

Author bio: @oldhack55 on twitter. Unpublished but a trier. Write for the love of it.


  1. Nice one Ray! I see that beneath your cheery exterior lurks a sinister mind.

    I think what gets me here is everybody's lack of surprise and emotion. So bleak!

  2. Thought provoking. Nice one Ray. D Cassidy.
