Wednesday, 17 October 2012


by John Xero

I was born in a place that is nowhere. No coordinates, no address, no website. Ground Zero.

I was created by no one.

I am not even real.

What you do not know, can hurt you. What does not exist, could kill you.

I am plague, phage, ageless, undying, death.

I am fear-borne, and I have gone viral. Is there any more efficient transmission vector than social media? Mind to mind to mind.

Warn your friends, vaccinate them. Just a little of me, a little nothing, inside you all. That's a lot of nothing. Enough nothing to swallow the world.

Author bio: John Xero continues to chart the ways in which the world ends. And he will always be right, until the end is witnessed and all the possible apocalypses collapse into one.
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  1. Love the first line. Perfect for so many different story lines. :)

    1. Hey, Zaiure. =D

      Thank you. That does tempt me to use it again... ;)

  2. "Vaccinate them" is a bit disturbing. I'm not sure exactly what I'm imagining there, but it ain't good. To be honest, "phage" is kind of disturbing, too. Perhaps it's just the natural fear we have of it which makes these words vaguely gross.

    O Death, hollow and all-consuming.

    Off to warn my friends!

    1. Ha ha. =) Spread the word... ;)

      Thank you, Becky. I've always liked the word phage, there is definitely something wrong about it...

  3. This doesn't sound like it's advocating protection "Vaccinate them" it sounds like a ploy to spread itself further - chilling!

  4. we are all just packets of data bytes. We recreate ourselves online. Diminishing our bodily selves. Our reified gods just went from the superhuman to the microbiological. Yeah, I get this! Nicely rendered :-)

    marc nash

    1. O, that way madness lies... ;)

      Cheers, Marc. =)

      This is interesting, btw:

  5. Great description here. Death, or fear of death at least, spread by those who warn against it!

    1. Death is but one aspect of annihilation, as life is but one aspect of existence... ;)

      Thank you, Larry. =)

  6. This does to flash fiction readers what The Ring does to movie watchers. Excuse me. I need to go prepare for my inevitable demise. :D

  7. Sometimes, 'nothing' can occupy an awful lot of space...
    An awful lot of "Living" space.

  8. Like a gut shot, bang!, infected with just a few mere words.
