Welcome to the tail end of issue 18. The ride is over, time to dismount and return the unicorn to its stable. Unless today is Sunday 4th March, 2018, in which case this is the pointy front end of things and the stories will be going live throughout the day. Come back and check them out as they happen.
If you're here after that date, and you've read the issue and you still want more (and why wouldn't you?) then stay in the saddle, scroll down and trot your way deeper into the wild landscape of 101 Fiction. There are 17 more themed issues before this one, full of tiny stories, tiny worlds, tiny heroes and horrors, tiny tragedies and love stories. Deeper still, before there were issues, there are even more stories, so hang onto that silvery mane cos the tales may be tiny, but the ride is epic.
Before you gallop away though... Thank you.
Thanks for stopping by, thanks for reading. Thanks to everyone who tweets and retweets and amplifies our tiny signal, pushing it further out there into the wild cosmos of the Online. Biggest thanks of all always go to our contributors, all the authors that share a little slice of their imagination with us, and with you.
We hope you've enjoyed what we do, and maybe even want to be a part of it. If you do then keep an eye out here at 101fiction.com or on our twitter for when we announce the next theme and submissions period.
Stay warm. Stay safe.
Keep writing.
Keep reading.
Have fun.
- John Xero.
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