Wednesday 29 May 2013


by John Xero

Oh, wow, people say. Wings!

Yeah, I say. Wings. Without the physiology to make them work – not the way people imagine. Sure I can lift them, and spread them. But fly?

No way. Not a fucking chance.

They get in the way. In a world made for people – normal people – I don't fit through doorways. I don't fit in cars. I don't fit in shirts or suits. I don't fit in.

Look at my face. Is this the face of an angel? Is it fuck.

Just do it, Doc, and drop the damn stupid questions. Cut the fucking things off.

Author bio: John Xero has always wanted wings. They say you should be careful what you wish for, and maybe it's best if we learn to fly with what we already have...
@xeroverse |


  1. Brilliant! On all sorts of levels.

  2. I love this! (And I don't know if I've said it before, but your Author Bios are always perfect.)

    1. Thank you, they are very spur of the moment, but I try and tie them to the piece. =)

  3. Poor guy! I'm glad he's finally having them taken care of.

  4. Reminds me of Mr Mister and their song, Broken Wings. Certainly to be careful of what you wish for.
    Adam B @revhappiness

    1. I was going to say I didn't know it, but that turns out to be a filthy lie... I Youtubed it and I do know it! =)

      Thank you, Adam. =)

  5. Niiice.

    Reminds me of a Cory Doctorow novel I read once, where a character had wings but wanted to fit in so had them regularly cut off so she didn't appear different.

    1. Which one's that? I've only read For the Win (which I loved). Definitely an author I mean to read more of. =)

      Thanks, Catherine. =)

  6. Brilliant. And even if he could fly, would he want them? Fitting in seems more important.

    1. I dunno, if he could fly he might have a different perspective on things...

      Sorry... ¬_¬

      Thank you! ;D

  7. Blackbird singing in the dead of night...

    Sorry, Adam started it with Mr Mister.

    And I never noticed that you change your bio for each story. What a great idea.
