Sunday, 1 December 2013


by Rhonda Eikamp

Dethroned, he fled north and the nights grew cold. He had seen ice before, but only in blocks imported for his palaces, not these fragile floors on creek and puddle. At dusk white buttons fell, and riding in upon the village he asked, "What is this?"

"Ghosts of our dead," the girl replied, "murdered by the southern king."

Gaze tilted, he saw it was true. Each flake was a face. Faces with razor teeth, floating onto his eyelids. Falling with night's vengeful quickness, a million, more. They bit his skin and grinned.

"Shelter!" he begged.

"Not here," jeered the villagers.

Author bio: I'm originally from Texas and live in Germany (so winter's a natural horror story for me). Stories of mine have appeared in Daily Science Fiction and The Colored Lens. When not writing fiction, I translate German legalese (another kind of horror).

Frozen is part of 101 Fiction issue 2.


  1. The beginning (or end?) of a very exciting story? I think so! I'd love to know the dethroned king's backstory and what happens next.

  2. Faces on snowflakes with razor teeth - I'd never have imagined this myself. I love that you brought the idea snd story to life so clearly.

  3. Terrific story of disparate worlds and reckonings.
    I am in love with 'Gaze tilted, he saw it was true.' Awesome.
