Sunday 5 March 2017


by LindaAnn Lo Schiavo

The first time he saw Venus, Vulcan loved. Without her as his wife, the god of fire knew his smithy’s flames could never be this intense. Even so, her busy womb is the tomb of marital harmony. Each time he catches Venus nude, another lover riding anvilled hips, lame Vulcan feels fenced in by fate.

The goddess who is love, loved him perhaps no better than all else.

Their partnership seems doomed until she comes bearing news, bearing their son – winged Cupid.

He’ll create lead-tipped arrows, equipping hands too young to have a conscience. Undetected, forger Vulcan tools his revenge.

Author bio: Native New Yorker LindaAnn Lo Schiavo is completing her 2nd documentary film on Texas Guinan [1884-1933] and dodging gun-molls in Shubert Alley and in decommissioned speakeasies.  To revive her spirits, she puts pen to paper.  

Recent credits are Peacock Journal, Measure, Nous, and Metamorphose Magazine, who published her short story on the Greek deity of wisdom – "Adventures with the Goddess Pallas Athena."

Anvil is part of 101 Fiction issue 14.

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