Sunday 3 September 2017


by Mike Jackson

Standing on the jetty Peter took out his pocket watch and checked the time yet again. It was most unlike his visitor to be held up. Then, silently gliding out of the cloying mist, emerged the boat he’d been waiting for.

“You’re late my friend,” he said as the boat drew up alongside him, “No problems I hope?”

The Angel of Death replied in a rasping whisper, “Some people never learn. There are still those who would delay my coming.”

He lifted aside a large tarpaulin sheet and added, “Here are today’s quota of souls, process them as you will.”

Author bio: Mike Jackson lives in the UK and enjoys writing short tales, especially Drabbles. Many of his offerings can be found on his blog ‘Stories In Your Pocket’.
Twitter: @mj51day

Late is part of 101 Fiction issue 16.

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