Sunday 15 December 2019

December 2019. Issue 25. Postscript.

You have reached the end of the issue but perhaps, like a time traveller, you did not arrive here from the beginning, in the usual order. In fact, if today is Sunday 15th December then you have arrived at creation, the beginning of all things (well, this issue), and more stories will be going live throughout the day. We encourage you to loop back round in time and come back for more as the day goes on.

If today is beyond that day, then you are in the future, you have (we hope) read the whole issue, but do not despair! There is more, so much more, tiny fiction if you dive deeper down our timeline. Twenty four more quarterly issues await you, and even further back, in the protozoic period of 101 Fiction, stories were publishing on a weekly basis.

Thank you for being here, for reading our stories.

Thank you to everyone who puts the word out, who helps make our tiny voices heard. The tweets and retweets, the blogs, the writing groups. You're all brilliant.

The biggest thanks, always, always, always, goes to our contributors. This place is built of your imagination, skill and passion. We wouldn't be what we are, without you. Thank you.

And you can be a part of it. All of you. Just keep an eye here or on our twitter for details and announcement of the next submissions theme and period.

Keep writing.

Keep reading.

Have fun.

- John Xero

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