Wednesday 30 May 2012


by John Xero

Within, the Darklings wait.

They nibble at the toes of your consciousness. They are a part of you. They live beneath the rotting, splintered floorboards of that cabin you like to call ‘me’.

They gather in the depths of your mind, where your deepest thoughts flow, places you’re afraid to go. They will take all the goodness they find and bury it as far as they can behind your fears, your flaws, and your selfishness, because happiness, hope and love blind them, burn them.

Be at peace and learn, become your own holy warrior. Only you can defeat your Darklings.

John Xero is the editor at 101 Fiction.

Please come back this Friday 1st June for the first contributor 101, Dismissed, by Peter Newman.


  1. I'm all about letting my Darklings play and see that there is more to existing the eating up the goodness. Once they taste something else, the balanced diet brightens up the darkness.

    1. Ha ha. =)

      A balanced diet is good for the grumpiest of Darklings... they probably just need more potassium. Think about bananas! ;)

  2. I've got some Darklings that need a home. Anyone? *Looks around* Anyone?

    1. I'm sure there's a whole other 'story' to be written about folk good-hearted enough to take on another's Darklings as well as their own. =)

      Although what is it they say? A Darkling shared is a Darkling halved... ;)

  3. Aaah, the dark side of our nature, it is generally believed we need both the light and the dark for balance, I'm kinda shuddering a bit thinking about these nasty little Darklings inside me.

    1. Thanks, Steve. =)

      I like it when someone has an equally valid, but different, interpretation to the one I intended. I meant them less as the dark side of human nature, more self-doubt, fear, depression... Your darker nature, however, is definitely something to be equally aware of.

  4. Ah one must learn to integrate their dark side in order to become whole. Don't fight them so much as face them and understand them.

    1. That's a good way of looking at things, Helen. Understanding can be a mighty powerful weapon at times. ;)
