Sunday 11 June 2017

June 2017. Issue 15. Postscript.

This is were it all began. Or begins. Or ends. It all depends.

If today is Sunday 4th June, 2017, then issue 15, our grand dance of demons and devils, is happening through the day, with new stories going live every hour, on the hour. Join the revels, have a read, go enjoy the sunshine then come back for a little more darkness.

If today is any other day then you've just reached the end of issue 15. But the great thing about that is there are 14 more issues that came before. And even more, before, way back when, back then, before there were numbered issues and stories would appear here every week. There are over six years' worth of tiny tales here at 101 Fiction, literally hundreds of them.

And this right here is also where we thank everyone that plays a part in this. Everyone. Our readers, our supporters, our retweeters, every little mention and message counts. Most importantly, we thank our writers, the contributors on whose imagination this little dream is built. Thank you, one and all.

If you want in on this little big thing, keep an eye on here or our twitter for details of our next theme and submissions period.

Keep reading.

Keep writing.

Have fun.

-John Xero

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