Sunday 11 June 2017


by Line Henriksen

She inhales, and the red knit sock on her left hand exhales a writhing chain of smoke.

“That’s a Big Favour,” she says.

“Medium, surely?” he tries.

She and the sock-puppet shake their heads in unison.

“I can do – you know…” He glances quickly at the sock. It looks amused.

“An exorcism? Thanks, we’re good.” She hands the cigarette to the puppet. “What else?”

“Think about it!” He leans across the table. “Your immortal soul!”

“Think about your own.”

He does.

The red knit sock on her left hand inhales, and she exhales a writhing chain of smoke.

“Favour granted.”

Author bio: Line Henriksen lives in the cold, dark depths of Denmark where it rains a lot, except when it drizzles. Her work has appeared in, among others, The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix, Jersey Devil Press and freeze frame fiction. Visit her at or on Twitter: @_linehenriksen_  

Puppet is part of 101 Fiction issue 15.

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