Sunday 21 June 2015


by Daniel Gooding

My pal Eddie took me out on his boat; said we were going shark fishing.

As he busied himself in the cabin, I looked around for the bucket. “Don’t you need any of that bait, you know, the stuff you throw in to attract the sharks?”

“No need, buddy.”

I felt a searing pain across my thigh; next thing I knew I was smacking against the water, bouncing along on a long, red wave.

“Eddie! Buddy!” I yelled. “I’m in the water!”

“Yeah!” he called back. “I know!”

The boat turned. Ahead of us, the water frothed white like toothpaste.

Author bio: Daniel Gooding was born in 1984, and has been published in 'The Legendary' and 'Woolf Magazine.' His short story 'Crow Magnum Xix' is featured in the upcoming anthology 'Startling Sci-Fi: New Tales of the Beyond' published by New Lit Salon Press, and he occasionally blogs about books for 'The Guardian'. He currently lives in Bath, UK.

Chum is part of 101 Fiction issue 8.

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