Sunday 21 June 2015

June 2015. Issue 8. Postscript.

June 21st, 2015. If now is then, then issue 8 is now. The stories will be going live all day, from 10 to 10 UK time.

If then was then, then issue 8 has happened, and you have reached the end. Keep scrolling though, with the stories in this issue 101 Fiction has published over a hundred drabbles as a quarterly, all online, all free to read.

And for more than two years before that we published stories every week, sometimes twice a week or more. Four and a half years of teeny tiny stories should keep you going for a tea break or two.

Thank you, as always, to everyone who reads, writes, blogs, tweets and dreams about 101 Fiction. Our authors and our readers make it worthwhile, and make it awesome.

If you want to be a part of this, keep an eye on here or at @101Fiction for our next submissions period.

Keep reading, keep writing, have fun.

-John Xero

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