Sunday 21 June 2015


by Shenoa Carroll-Bradd

My husband's beard is blue. The stain on the key... is not.

“Anything you like,” he'd said before leaving. “What's mine is yours, except this one room.”

I tried to distract myself exploring my new home. Tried to be patient. To be good.

But in the end, I disobeyed.

Inside the room, I found pieces of the wives who'd come before me.



And now, no matter how hard I scrub, the traitorous key remains blood-stained.

When he returns, my husband will see. He'll know, and he'll add me to the collection.

Some doors, once opened, can't be shut.

Author bio: I like to write in just about every genre, but my favourites are horror and fantasy. 

My author homepage is and I can also be found on twitter @ShenoaSays

Curious is part of 101 Fiction issue 8.

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