Sunday 21 June 2015


by Denny E. Marshall

Professor Mensa has just completed his time machine. The machine is chrome coloured, cylindrical shape, and large enough to hold passengers. The professor’s assistant Tim E. Travel opens the door to the machine and steps in. After entering Tim slides the door shut. On the interior walls is a large display of dials and levers, and an oversized green button. Below the button the words, Coordinates Set, Push Here, are displayed in red LED lights in large letters. Tim hits the button. The action activates an automated voice that says, “It’s 8:16 p.m. thank you for visiting the time machine.”

Author bio: Denny E. Marshall has had art, poetry, and fiction published. One recent credit would be cover art for Disturbed Digest June 1015. See more at

Time is part of 101 Fiction issue 8.

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