Sunday 21 June 2015

June 2015. Issue 8.

Welcome to issue 8.

Two years gone. I’d like to say ‘in a flash,’ but it’s been a long couple of years (and over a hundred flashes). Our second year as a quarterly ends here, the last of four colour-themed issues, with red.

The issue opens with one of the most powerful drabbles I think we’ve ever had. Then we get into the science fiction, the fantasy and the horror. There’s quite a journey ahead of you, from the past to the distant future, our own world to far-flung others. Your travelling companions are the usual unusual misfits we love at 101 Fiction: robots, vampires, myths, murderers and oddballs. Not too dissimilar to our demographic, really.

For me, it’s a great issue, hitting all the wide-ranging notes I always hope the ‘zine will. Not just a range of genres, but a range of tones. Dark corners and light-hearted clearings, serious moments and frivolous ones provoking thought and laughter alike, all seasoned with a little weirdness and vision, and all bound together with some really smart writing.

Welcome aboard the red line.

Read, absorb, enjoy.


Keep scrolling for the stories, or bring up the whole issue here.

Want 101 Fiction with you, wherever you are? Can't get online on your tea break? Issue 8 is available to download as a .pdf, for free, right here.

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