Sunday 21 June 2015


by Danielle Bordelon

She wore the colour of lust and anger.

She spoke gently into my mind, her lips still. “You are the one that has been searching.”

I nodded, excitement and euphoria in my veins. Finally, I had found her.

Her eyes crinkled at the corners, though her lips remained unmoving.

“You are young.”

“Yes, but I’m ready. I am done with this world. Truly.”

Her body was still, though her eyes followed my every movement.


She held out a hand – too white, too still.

I took it.

For the first time, she smiled, her teeth as red as her dress.

Author bio: Danielle Bordelon is a fiction writer currently focusing on short stories and the editing of her novel. She lives in an apartment with three friends, hundreds of abused books, and an overactive imagination. Her short stories have been published in literary magazines including Black Fox Literary Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, and the Fast-Forward Festival and are available on

Still is part of 101 Fiction issue 8.

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